How to create a pre-seed pitch deck for accelerators & angels

VIP Graphics
6 min readJul 29, 2024


Since the launch of Y-Combinator in 2005, startup accelerators have become a launchpad for thousands of innovative companies. With acceptance rates hovering around 3–5% , getting into a top accelerator program is highly competitive. For many pre-seed startups, acceptance into an accelerator program can be the difference between making it or breaking it.

How to create a pre-seed pitch deck for accelerators & angels
How to create a pre-seed pitch deck for accelerators & angels

To stand out among the crowd, you need a compelling pitch deck that tells a clear story and excites investors and advisors. This guide will equip you with the knowledge to craft a pre-seed pitch deck that will help you secure a coveted spot in an accelerator program.

What is a pre-seed pitch deck? What is its purpose?

Pre-seed startups are generally pre-revenue, and often at the prototype/pre-product stage, meaning they are raising funding for an idea (as opposed to an existing business). This means that successfully raising funding is significantly tougher for pre-seed founders, and having a compelling pitch deck is that much more important. Pre-seed decks are generally targeted at accelerators (such as Y-Combinator and Techstars) and angel investors/syndicates, but early-stage funds investing at the pre-seed stage (like Concept Ventures ) are becoming more common. Given their unique audience, pre-seed decks generally take a slightly different approach (similar to demo day decks) than later-stage decks. Many accelerators like recommend a specific structure for pitch decks, which founders will want to be cognizant of.

How is a pre-seed pitch deck different?

At the pre-seed stage, there is typically no product or revenue to showcase, so the focus needs to be on the vision and potential of the startup. The deck should be concise and to the point, aiming to capture the investor’s attention in just three minutes. Investors are looking for a great team with a strong vision and a story to tell.

What slides should be in a pre-seed pitch deck for accelerators?

At the pre-seed stage, your pitch deck should effectively communicate your startup’s vision, potential, and roadmap. Here’s a guide on how to structure each slide of your pitch deck to make a strong impression, specifically tailored for pre-seed startups.

Cover Slide

Start with a strong first impression by providing the startup’s name, logo, and a catchy tagline. For pre-seed startups, this slide is crucial as it sets the tone and gives a glimpse into your brand identity.


Clearly articulate the specific problem your company addresses, avoiding overly lengthy descriptions and using straightforward language. Focus on the specific pain points and frustrations your target audience experiences. You may also quantify the impact of the problem with relevant data or statistics. Clear problem statements help investors understand why your solution is crucial and necessary.

Your Solution

Position your solution as the answer to the problem. Present your value proposition and the benefits of your solution. While you might not have a finalized product yet, showcase the vision and the unique elements that set your approach apart. Highlight how your solution addresses the problem in an innovative way and the potential impact it could have.

Why Now?

This slide should Explain why now is the perfect time to address the problem. Discuss market trends or technological advancements that create an opportunity for your solution. For example, if you are in the financial services industry, explain how current economic trends or regulatory changes create a favorable environment for your solution.

For pre-seed startups, showing that the timing is right can help convince investors of your potential for growth.

Market & Opportunity

This is where you establish the numbers behind your startup, showcasing the opportunity for your business including Total Addressable Market (TAM), Serviceable Available Market (SAM), and Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM). Use real data from your business to show the potential opportunity, and highlight trends that support your growth, like new technologies or changing consumer behavior. Avoid using only broad estimates from reports; instead, provide specific examples and comparisons to successful companies. This approach helps investors understand the market potential and your ability to capture and dominate your target segment.

Competitive Advantage

Acknowledge your competitors but focus on your competitive advantages. What makes your solution unique and demonstrably better? Do you have proprietary technology, a superior user experience, or a more cost-effective pricing model? Explain your moat against competition to demonstrate your long-term viability.

Target Users

Define your ideal customer profile with demographics, psychographics, and pain points. Include quotes or testimonials from potential customers who resonate with your solution. Consider using visuals like customer personas or user journey maps to solidify your target audience.


Showcase your team’s experience, past successes, and relevant industry expertise. Since you may lack traction at the pre-seed stage, highlighting your team’s background can help build credibility and trust with investors.

Business Model

Outline your business model, pricing strategy, and unit economics. Even if you haven’t started earning revenue yet, having a clear plan for how you will monetize your solution and achieve profitability is essential. Explain your pricing strategy, potential revenue streams, and key financial metrics.


Introduce your team members and their roles, highlighting their expertise and contributions. A strong team is often seen as a critical factor in the success of pre-seed startups. Emphasize any complementary skills and relevant experience your team brings to the table.


Detail the investment required and how it will be used to achieve your milestones. Be specific about the amount you are seeking and provide a clear plan for the use of funds. This transparency can help investors understand the impact of their investment.


Provide a roadmap outlining key milestones and future plans. Show a clear path of where you are going and how you plan to get there. A clear roadmap demonstrates a pre-seed startup’s ability to plan for growth beyond the initial phase.


Describe the long-term vision for your product and the impact you aim to achieve. Share your aspirations and how you plan to make a significant difference in the industry. A compelling vision can inspire investors and align them with your mission.

Call to Action

End with a clear call-to-action, guiding your audience on the next steps. Whether it’s scheduling a meeting, signing a term sheet, or providing feedback, make sure your ask is explicit and actionable. For pre-seed startups, a strong call-to-action can help move potential investors from interest to commitment.

Examples of pre-seed pitch decks

Examining successful pre-seed pitch decks can provide valuable insights and inspiration for crafting your own. Here are a few notable examples that have effectively captured investor interest at the pre-seed stage:

  • Airbnb: As one of the most famous pre-seed decks of all time, Airbnb’s pitch deck is a classic example of how to present a compelling vision and market opportunity succinctly. This deck helped Airbnb secure its initial funding and set the stage for its future success.
  • Eleven Labs: Eleven Labs’ pitch deck showcases how to effectively communicate a complex solution in a clear and engaging way. Their deck is a great example of focusing on the problem, solution, and market opportunity while keeping the presentation visually appealing.
  • Shippo: Shippo’s pitch deck demonstrates how to highlight market opportunity and competitive differentiation. It’s an excellent example of how to structure a pre-seed deck to emphasize scalability and potential impact.

Browsing these decks can give you a good sense of the variety and format pre-seed pitch decks can take. See more pre-seed decks at Best Pitch Decks — find a collection of pre-seed pitch decks from various startups across different industries.

Tips for designing a pre-seed pitch deck

Here are some essential tips to keep in mind while designing your pitch deck:

  • Keep it clear and simple: Investors typically spend very little time reviewing each deck. Aim for a short and impactful presentation, ideally around 10–12 slides. Use clear, concise language and avoid jargon.
  • Quantify when possible: Back up your claims with data and statistics whenever possible. Demonstrate the market size, the impact of the problem, and the potential return on investment for your solution.
  • Proofread & practice: Typos and grammatical errors create a negative impression. Proofread your deck meticulously before presenting. Practice your delivery to ensure you can effectively communicate your message with confidence.

Building a pre-seed pitch deck?

Need to craft a pre-seed pitch deck that ignites investor interest? Explore this Accelerator Pitch Deck Template by VIP Graphics to jumpstart your design process. A captivating pre-seed pitch deck is your launchpad for propelling your innovative idea from concept to reality.

Accelerator Pitch Deck Template by VIP Graphics to win pitch contests & accelerators
Accelerator Pitch Deck Template by VIP Graphics to win pitch contests & accelerators

Originally published at on July 29, 2024.



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